10k Gold Price Per Gram $38.96 - Live Price
About: 10 karat gold price per gram is $38.96 and the price for an ounce of 10k gold is right at $1,210.69. Price based on current gold rates. 10 karat gold is a lower quality blend than something like 20k and or 24 karat. 10 kart gold should be fine for use in most lower end jewelry. Will it turn your finger green? It depends on what the mixture is really. Does 10k gold tarnish? Yes it does but it will take some time and depends upon how often the item is handled and where it is stored.
Uses: coins, electronics, large transactions, storing wealth, backing currencies, food, decoration
Neat Fact: All the gold ever mined throughout human history could fit neatly into a 60ftx60ft cube.
Gold Rates Per Karat Per Gram
If you plan to sell to a cash 4 gold or pawn shop use these reduced rates instead for your gold / yellow gold items..
Gold Interactive Calculator